Chemistry-8B Assignments

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Join Year 9 Chemistry! in Google Classroom

Join Year 9 Chemistry!

Last assignment for Year 8 - join the year 9 Google classroom. The code for the classroom is: 47ew4uz
Created: Saturday, June 20 3:04 AM


End Of Year Exam in Google Classroom

End Of Year Exam

This week's assignment is an exam that is meant to summarize some of the key points you hopefully learned over the past months in chemistry. It is not terribly long (30 questions) and it isn't meant to be terribly difficult - just a measure of what you have retained. The exam is broken into 4 sections:

1 - states of matter
2 - elements compounds and mixtures
3 - physical and chemical changes
4 - chemical reactions

I know your chemistry class is not until Thursday but I am posting this today so that you know what to review and you know what to expect. You can take the exam any time that you feel you are ready but you must complete it by the end of Thursday. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments below.
Created: Monday, June 8 3:54 PM


Observing Your World Critically in Google Classroom

Observing Your World Critically

This week's assignment blends a little bit of science with next week's well-being theme. An important skill necessary in science is being able to make good, detailed observations. Making observations requires you to be able to focus and pay attention to things that may seem small or unimportant. You have maybe heard the expression "being present" (or maybe you will hear it next week) - being present is an important skill to have and can contribute a great deal to your powers of observation!

The link below will walk you through a series of activities, videos and background information to help you understand what it means to be observant. On some pages you will see an "Idea Log" icon along with a question prompt. You assignment is to read through the information on each page, and complete all the "Idea Log" questions.

You can answer the questions on a google doc OR a sheet of paper, and submit your answers here when you are finished. As you go through the activity - keep in mind how these types of skills fit in the chemistry classroom!
Created: Thursday, May 28 6:05 PM


Forensic Chemistry in Google Classroom

Forensic Chemistry

Follow the directions in the assignment attached below!
Created: Thursday, May 21 9:24 PM


Analysis of Unknowns Quiz in Google Classroom

Analysis of Unknowns Quiz

Based on the results from last week's assignment, most of you need to spend a little more time thinking about how you can identify unknown substances through their properties. If you did well on last week's assignment, and understood the problem this quiz should be quite straightforward for you. If you scored poorly, or didn't really understand what you were doing you should go back and look at my comments on last week's assignment before you start this quiz!
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Identifying Unknown Compounds in Google Classroom

Identifying Unknown Compounds

You should have already completed the EdPuzzle assignment before starting this assignment! If you haven't done the EdPuzzle assignment yet, go back and do that first...

Last week you were working to try and identify unknown metals based on the property of density. Before the break you were conducting experiments to identify the differences between oxides and carbonates, and then extended that concept to helping you identify different mineral properties. This week you are going to get a new tool to add to your chemistry "tool belt" to identify unknown substances. Identifying the properties of unknown substances is extremely important in chemistry - remember that before there was a periodic table, or textbooks or the internet available for you to look up information about anything, the only way we had to tell the difference between two piles of similar looking white powder was to test their properties!

The document attached below describes a scenario where you are asked to identify 4 different substances. Read the explanation and type your response directly in the document. When you are finished, submit the work here!
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Edpuzzle | MegaLab - Flame Test - Li, Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, Cu in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle | MegaLab - Flame Test - Li, Na, K, Ca, Sr, Ba, Cu

Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Flipgrid Check-in in Google Classroom

Flipgrid Check-in

Click the link below and post a video about what you have been doing for the past month!
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Identifying Unknown Metals Lab in Google Classroom

Identifying Unknown Metals Lab

You have a summer internship working in a jewellery laboratory where your job is to explore the properties of some alloys of silver, rhodium and platinum in order to make brighter jewels at a lower cost.

One day, while preparing an alloy, you accidentally left the bottles near the melting furnace and the labels became charred and unreadable. OH NO! You now have three unlabeled bottles of metallic powder. Your task is to design and perform experiments to identify the metals in these bottles. From a chemical handbook available in your lab, you find that the densities of silver, rhodium and platinum are 10.5, 12.4 and 21.45 grams per cubic centimetre, respectively.

Now perform your experiments using the Virtual Lab.

The first link below is a video tutorial I made explaining how to use the Virtual Lab, and the second link will take you to the assignment.

You must submit a photo or screenshot of your successful identification of the metals. You will scroll down to the bottom of the page, enter the answers that you think are correct and click the "check" button. The lab will check your answers and let you know whether or not you are correct.

I have enabled class comments for this assignment on google classroom - so I encourage you all to discuss your ideas for how to design the experiment and identify the unknowns using the comments. I would like to see everyone participate in the discussion at least once!

Good luck and please let me know if you have any questions!!
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


KAHOOT: Chemical & Physical Change in Google Classroom

KAHOOT: Chemical & Physical Change

Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Chemistry Reading in Google Classroom

Chemistry Reading

You have a choice between THREE different reading assignments. You only have to read ONE article, and answer the questions that go along with it. You are free to choose any of the three articles. If you start one article, and decide you don't like it you are welcome to choose a different article.

You have ONE week to read the article and answer the questions. Once you have submitted the google form with your answers there is nothing more that you need to do - your answers will automatically be submitted for grading.
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Chemical Reactions Games in Google Classroom

Chemical Reactions Games

Play one (or all) of the games linked below. After you have finished playing the games, you must write a short summary about what you learned from the games. You can submit your written summary here in google classroom as part of this assignment.
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Element, Compound and Mixture Stations in Google Classroom

Element, Compound and Mixture Stations

Read the article and answer any questions that are aske. When you have finished reading the article and answering all the questions, summarize what you learned in the “Read It!” section of your worksheet. Keep your summary short - 3 or 4 sentences max!

Play the game “Pure Substances” (see link below)
When you reach the stage that involves sorting elements and compounds, copy your answers onto your worksheet.
When you reach the stage that involves sorting natural and synthetic substances, copy your answers onto your worksheet.
When you win the game, record the number of stars your earned on your worksheet, then restart the game.

Watch the video (see link below). In the “Watch It” section of your worksheet describe the ways you can test whether a substance is an element, a compound or a mixture. What are the main differences between elements, compounds and mixtures?

In the “Write It” section of your worksheet, describe how you could use the name, symbol, or a diagram of a substance to determine whether it is an element, a compound or a mixture. Be specific - what should someone look for when trying to differentiate between the three types of substances?

Sort the cards (see attachment: classifying matter) into one of three categories: element, compound or mixture. Once you have sorted the cards, explain the rationale you used in your sorting in the “Organize It” section of your worksheet

In the “Draw It” section of your worksheet, create a set of drawings that illustrate the differences between an element, a compound and a mixture. Be creative!


Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM


Sign Up For My Year 8 Chemistry Class on CK12 in Google Classroom

Sign Up For My Year 8 Chemistry Class on CK12

CK-12 is a website we will use occasionally for practice problems. I can assign you specific types of problems, and see when you complete the assignment, and how well you did on it. This helps me get an idea how well each of you understand a particular topic.
Join my Year 8 Chemistry class by clicking the link below (or copy/paste in your browser). When it asks you to sign in, you will sign in with Google using your Victoria email address.

UPDATED: I forgot to post the link before - the link should be visible below now!
Created: Thursday, May 7 6:00 PM